4 x Intel i7 2600 |
1 GB RAM | 100 GB HDD | 350Gb @ 1Gbit |
$ 4.99
-20% |
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1 x Opteron 6128 |
256 MB RAM | 10 GB SSD | 15TB @ 100Mbit |
$ 6.99 -30% |
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NL1 Server
Intel G1610 |
2 GB RAM | 500 GB HDD | 1TB @ 100Mbit |
$ 25.99 -30% |
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MD0 Server
Intel G1610 |
2 GB RAM | 500 GB HDD | 15TB @ 100Mbit |
$ 43.99 -20% |
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MD1 Server
Intel Core i3 2120 |
4 GB RAM | 500 GB HDD | 20TB @ 100Mbit |
$ 59.99 |
Заказать |
config file: server & 123; listen [::]:80; server_name svn.php.net; location /& 123; proxy_pass & 125; & 125; server & 123; listen [::]:80; server_name.
バーチャルホストに振り分けるため以下の様に設定していた。 test.comはすべて同一サーバ 。 upstream? /etc/hostsに登録したことを思い出したので見てみる c.local がタイポして c.lcal になっていた ここをnginxで指定しているように c.local に直して再度configtest /etc/init.d/nginx.
here is my unicorn.rb app_dir = File.expand_path(././ , __FILE__) shared_dir = File.expand_path(./././shared/ , __FILE__) preload_app true worker_processes 4 timeout 30.
config file: server & 123; listen [::]:80; server_name svn.php.net; location /& 123; proxy_pass & 125; & 125; server & 123; listen [::]:80; server_name.
I ve not changed anything myself as far as I know of (unless Windows Update has done something strange) Can anyone suggest how to get nginx working again & allowing me to restart the.
nginx -t nginx: [emerg] host not found in upstream sns.onbobo.local in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:87 nginx: configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf test failed 语法上是没有错误的,只是系统无法解析这个域名,所以报错.
大家好,我用LuManager 来管理的VPS 新建网站以后,修改Apache相关的Apache和Nginx处理选择时,每日次都会提示如下问题: 您填写的内容有错,错误信息 nginx: [emerg] host not found in upstream 4.lum in /usr/local/nginx/conf/vhost.test.conf:151 nginx.
hello -- nginx will not reload on some of our proxy servers, but does on others. all are running the same version: nginx/1.0.15. the reload fails with error: [emerg] 26903 0: host not.
错误信息如下: nginx -t nginx: [emerg] host not found in upstream sns.onbobo.local in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:87 nginx: configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf test failed 分析:.
Hi everyone , I m using nginx as reverse proxy to make sites from my private networks publically available, to have the caching-benefit and for easy SSL protection of unprotected sites. I.